Website Committee

The mission of the Pickering North Website Committee is to maintain a website for the community that adds value to the experience of current and potential residents

The Committee:
The website committee is separate from the Board of Trustees but shall yield to any decisions made by the board. It is important to remember that the Pickering North Condominium Association is a business and the Board of Trustees is charged with oversight on all issues affecting the business. The committee shall exercise restraint, diligence and good-sense in the publication of the Pickering North website.

The committee should be comprised of three to five members. These members do not need experience managing websites as great efforts have been extended to allow site management to be executed by non-technical users. However, it is an asset when a committee member brings experience like basic computer skills, writing, proofreading, governing law familiarity and other publication or communication related skills.

Rules and Security:
To protect the safety and security of current and future residents, it is necessary to omit personally identifiable information wherever possible. Omitted information includes last names, unit numbers, car and parking information, and most importantly email addresses and phone numbers. It is also expected that the management of the website will comply with all By-Laws, Rules and Regulations as well as the Board of Managers.

Site Management:
A copy of the site management instructions should be provided to all new committee members. Departing committee members are expected to ensure that the Board of Managers and the Management company are aware of their departing status as well as providing an up-to-date copy of the management instructions, with usernames and passwords, to the Board, the Management and their replacement (where applicable).